Aimée Moore
Aimée Moore

Senior Lecturer  |  The Knowlton School

Aimée Moore is a Senior Lecturer at the Knowlton School where she has taught since 1999 and is the recipient of the 2016 OSU Provost Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer. She teaches courses on Global Architecture, Sustainability in Architecture, architecture in Columbus, OH and education abroad programs to Italy, The Netherlands, London, Barcelona, Rio de Janeiro and Santiago, Chilé. Through her varied classes she develops new understandings of the built environment, particularly through drawing. She incorporates iPads to explore drawing digitally through classes she teaches, and has presented at conferences regarding active learning and equity using iPads. Her research focuses on architecture in Columbus Ohio and Latin American architecture developed through various seminars, education abroad trips and conference presentations. She is Chair for the Committee on Design at AIA Columbus and actively engaged in learning communities at Ohio State University where she expands her perspectives on teaching. She received a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Master of Architecture degree from The Ohio State University Knowlton School.


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Equitable Futures: Special Focus Session

This panel will explore what equity means through the lens of accessible and universal design. Panelists will highlight the barriers to disabled students in architectural education, accessibility as critical to sustainability and resilience and diversity and equity-focused practices in critiques. Spatial equity and inclusivity will be highlighted and evaluated from the viewpoint of the academy as well as in practice.

Course expires 1/25/2026

1.00 LU|HSW