Owner/Principal | ONO, made in the 191
For over 30 years, Anne has held various administrative and teaching positions in Merchandising at several institutions including Drexel University and the Community College of Philadelphia. As a visual merchandising expert with a broad range of experience in the merchandising arena specializing in Visual Merchandising and store design, Anne shares the strategies, tactics and practice that connects your buy to your sales floor to your customer to your cash register. She is owner and principle of ONO, LLC, www.onomadeinthe191.com and Founder of the VM-CLUB, www.vm-club.com
Welcome to the Independent Retail Store of the Future
The store is a 3D manifestation of what the customer has been promised through marketing, while providing an engaging, pleasant, and successful shopping experience for the customer, and delivering sales and margins that provide a profit. Post pandemic, research shows that while customers value the in-store experience and want to return to brick and mortar shopping, they want stores to do better on innovative use of the space for shopping and fulfillment. Retail stores are not solely destinations, but rather a physical space that provides the why, how, and where people shop. The store must fulfill a series of functions that reduce the physical space allocated to the presentation of merchandise. This course examines creating blended, flexible spaces that accommodate autonomy, convenience, education & engagement. This is hosted by the Retail and Entertainment Knowledge Community (REKC).
Course expires 03/25/2026