Bess Williamson
Bess Williamson , PhD

 Professor of Art History, Theory, and Criticism  |  School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Dr. Bess Williamson is a historian of design and material culture and Professor of Art History, Theory, and Criticism at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is the author of Accessible America: A History of Disability and Design (2019) and co-editor of Making Disability Modern: Design Histories (2020). Her work explores diverse histories and practices of design that extend expertise to users and communities, and challenge designers to address access and power in their work. For 2022-2023, she is director of SAIC's Art History MA programs.


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Equitable Futures: Special Focus Session

This panel will explore what equity means through the lens of accessible and universal design. Panelists will highlight the barriers to disabled students in architectural education, accessibility as critical to sustainability and resilience and diversity and equity-focused practices in critiques. Spatial equity and inclusivity will be highlighted and evaluated from the viewpoint of the academy as well as in practice.

Course expires 1/25/2026

1.00 LU|HSW