Co-Founder, Partner | Furukawa Castles LLP
A Partner in the Design Professionals Defense & Counseling Group, primarily representing and counseling architects and engineers. He has represented design professionals, in a wide range of projects. As an experienced trial attorney, Mr. Furukawa has litigated complex construction delay and cost claims, construction defect, land use and personal injury lawsuits. Mr. Furukawa has special expertise in legal technology. He supervises effective review and production of electronic documents for leading design and real estate firms.
Champlain Towers Collapse: Professional & Legal Implications for Design Firms
This session will center around the events that occurred before and after the catastrophic collapse of the Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Florida, in 2021. Discussion will include the ongoing intensive analysis by forensic investigators to determine a root cause, or causes, of the structural failure. Examine how this tragedy will affect our current and future legal and business operations for years to come. Understand how failure analysis is a part of our ongoing learning experience as architects. Course expires 06/25/2026