Frances Yang
Frances Yang , SE

Sustainable Structures & Materials Specialist | Arup

Frances specializes in how environmentally preferable and healthier materials contribute to whole-life sustainability performance of our built environment. She is active on the Carbon Leadership Forum, AIA Materials Knowledge Working Group, and Health Product Declaration Technical Committee. She also recently vice-chaired the USGBC LEED Materials and Resources TAG and led authorship of two recently published texts: the SEI Whole Building LCA Guide: Reference Building Structure and Strategies, and the AIA Prescription for Healthier Building Materials: A Design and Implementation Protocol. In leading Arup's Americas Sustainable Materials Consulting practice, Frances has brought healthy and low-carbon aims into the day-to-day consideration of materials alongside selection for their technical performance on a variety of buildings and infrastructure projects.


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Included in subscription
Embodied Carbon 101: Basic literacy

This course features an expert panel of AEC practitioners and researchers who define the embodied carbon issue and key terms and concepts—including health and sustainability implications. They provide information on data resources and rating systems available to support and execute embodied carbon decisions during design, specification, and construction. The panel also discusses how information on the embodied carbon and environmental impacts of building materials and products can be incorporated into design decisions and influence project outcomes. They use case studies to illustrate different life cycle assessment (LCA) types, structural systems, and implementation of embodied carbon design decisions through construction.

This course expires on 11/14/2026.

1.00 LU|HSW