Gwen Fuertes is co-chair of the AIA National 2030 Working Group, and is an Associate and building scientist at LMS Architects, San Francisco-based firm. She leads the firm’s efforts to achieve the AIA 2030 Commitment goals, and is the leader of the local SF-based “2030 huddle” that includes representatives from dozens of local firms. Gwen is a licensed architect, with a Bachelor of Arts from Brown University and a Masters in Architecture and Building Science from UC Berkeley. Gwen is passionate about mentorship and education, and holds lecturer positions in architecture, buildings and performance at both California College of the Arts and UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design. She is a member of the USGBC National LEED Technical Committee.
Embodied Carbon 101: Certifications + Commitments—A deeper dive
Take a closer look at how embodied carbon is incorporated—or will be incorporated—into sustainability programs for the industry and how carbon-thoughtful design is streamlined or incentivized through these programs. The course begins with a look at the established AIA 2030 Commitment, its success in addressing operational energy, and its next iteration, which will include embodied carbon. The AIA 2030 Commitment discussion is followed by an introduction to the SE 2050 Commitment, which is an embodied carbon-focused commitment born out of the Structural Engineering Institute, to be launched in November 2020.
After looking at example commitments, the course introduces the International Living Future Institute’s Zero Carbon Certification, a relatively new certification that looks holistically at operational energy and embodied carbon. And, following Zero Carbon, the Passive House certification is introduced, suggesting ways that practitioners can account for embodied carbon while pursuing this performance-focused certification. Through discussing four major industry sustainability programs, this course will help practitioners to distinguish where embodied carbon is built into certifications and commitments, and where embodied carbon considerations might need to be engineered into design and certification processes for holistic carbon reduction. AEC practitioners will receive the knowledge to evaluate and leverage certifications and commitments for the greatest impact.
Course expires 11/14/2026