Jan Reinhardt
Jan Reinhardt

Principal | ADEPT Project Delivery LLC


Jan Reinhardt is a Principal and Founder at ADEPT Project Delivery. The focus of his work is automation of design and construction process and using automation and collaboration for driving efficiencies into the work processes of the AECO industry. Before joining ADEPT, Jan was a Program Manager for Virtual Design and Construction for Turner Construction Company where he was instrumental in the initial BIM implementation efforts in the company. Before serving in this position, he held positions as an Assistant Engineer, Engineer and Consultant at Turner. Prior to joining Tuner, Jan was research assistant at Carnegie Mellon University and Consultant and Engineer at HOCHTIEF AG, where he was working on BIM and mobile computing related research and implementation projects. Jan serves as the Vice-Chairman of BIM Forum (www.bimforum.org). He holds a Master’s Degree from Dresden University of Technology in Civil and Structural Engineering and a PhD in Computer Aided Engineering and Management from Carnegie Mellon University.


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BIM Model as a Right of Reliance in Project Delivery Ecosystem

This panel will examine the opportunities and barriers for making models reliable tools and deliverables on construction projects.  The current challenge is that – even though BIM is well established in our industry – we still don’t trust models or treat models as reliable means of conveying design and construction information. Documents represented as 2D PDFs are the predominant means of representing and transferring design and construction information. Models are provided on many projects for information only.  Even though we are all very familiar and comfortable with drawings they may not be the ideal tool for representing design and construction information. Drawings can hide or ignore complexities and contain undetected inconsistencies in the design. Furthermore, drawings require a high degree of interpretation in order to apply the information contained in them to the project.

Hosted by the Project Delivery AIA Knowledge Community

Course expires 3/12/2025


1.50 LU