Jay Moersen has spent seven years in the thin brick and thin brick wall systems industry. He is driven by assisting architects in finding proven solutions for their clay masonry projects. Jay has a passion for embedded thin brick in precast concrete, and a special fondness for total precast parking structures. Jay serves as Glen-Gery’s Wall Systems Manager for the eastern United States.
Enhancing Thin Masonry Veneer: Metal Support Systems
This program examines the design and performance characteristics of metal backing systems that mechanically support thin masonry veneers. Comparisons between various systems and traditionally laid face brick masonry are made and critical design and installation factors are reviewed. Performance tests that establish code compliance of proprietary thin veneer support systems are identified. Strategies for water penetration, structural performance, thermal efficiency and NFPA 285 approval are presented.
This session was recorded live on April 27, 2023.