Chair | Department of Architecture, Hampton University
Robert L. Easter, FAIA, NOMAC, has been the chair of the Department of Architecture at Hampton University since 2008. He has overseen the reaccreditation effort of the professional program, securing an eight-year affirmation of the program's standing with the National Architectural Accrediting Board. Professionally, he is President of KEi architects in Richmond, Virginia. A graduate of Hampton University, he also holds a Master of Architecture degree in Architecture / Urban Design from Virginia Polytechnic Institute. He is the 2023 recipient of the AIA's Whitney M. Young Award, a past .national president of NOMA and the immediate Past-President of AIA-Virginia.
Whose Pipeline Is It Anyway? Architects, Clients & Educators
Architects are challenged to create inclusive teams, but often, client requirements for schedule and a team’s history together, portfolio, and longevity cause architects to select teams based on the “safe bet.” And both architects and clients look to educators to generate a pipeline of diverse young designers. What are the responsibilities of each party (client, architect, and educator) to create high-performing and representative teams? Join this panel for an insightful discussion on addressing the challenge of meaningful inclusion in the design/construction industry.
Course expires 6/4/2026