Sara Bayramzadeh
Sara Bayramzadeh
Kent State University
Healthcare design is my passion and having the opportunity to serve as a design researcher in this area and to train the next generation of healthcare design leaders and innovators is an honor. The impact of the physical environment on patients and staff is enormous, bringing an abundance of opportunities for safety and experience improvements. At Kent State University’s Healthcare Design Program, I serve as the coordinator, an instructor, and a research lead. My research areas are often focused on under-studied areas, such psychiatric facilities and trauma centers, which require significant innovative strategies. My contributions to these areas have been through design research and development of healthcare design guidelines informed by research. In my role as an educator and program coordinator, I strive to incorporate innovative educational experiences and train passionate and excellent leaders who can contribute to improvement of healthcare experience.


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Healthcare Architecture Career Paths from School to Practice-Succession

This panel discussion featuring a university educator, AAH next generation practitioner, AAH mentoring advocate, American College of Healthcare Architects (ACHA) leader and a firm principal involved in succession planning focuses on the opportunities and challenges in career development and progression. Hosted by the Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH).

Course expires 10/15/2026

1.00 LU