Steven Langston
Steven Langston

Vice President of Design  |  rlf

As Vice President of Design at rlf, Steve Langston focuses on integrating design and technical expertise resulting in a coherent approach to healthcare design and project delivery. With over 35 years of experience, he understands the issues related to creating healing environments that are supportive of patients, families, and staff without sacrificing flexibility or operations. He is a licensed architect, ACHA board certified, EDAC accredited, and a LEED accredited professional.


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Healthcare Architecture Career Paths from School to Practice-Succession

This panel discussion featuring a university educator, AAH next generation practitioner, AAH mentoring advocate, American College of Healthcare Architects (ACHA) leader and a firm principal involved in succession planning focuses on the opportunities and challenges in career development and progression. Hosted by the Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH).

Course expires 10/15/2026

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