Thomas Hirsch
Thomas Hirsch , FAIA


Thomas Hirsch, FAIA, graduated from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 1968 (B. Arch). He is a Wisconsin-registered architect and land use planner.

In January 2011 he was elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects for “original thinking, ethical responsibility and comprehensive approach to a wide range of human habitability issues [that] has resulted in precedent-setting standards for floodplain management, accommodations for persons with disabilities, and affordable housing that is highly energy efficient and incorporates renewable energy.”

He received the 2014 "Golden Award” from AIA Wisconsin, the state society of the American Institute of Architects, as “the consummate champion for community involvement and public service. “

Currently, Mr. Hirsch is self-employed, designing residential structures and performing site and building evaluations for accessibility and capital needs & cost segregation. Some recent projects include eight municipal and one tribal housing authorities’ revitalization & re-use utilizing Section 42 tax credit financing. He currently serves on the AIA Civic Leadership Committee, the City of Madison Downtown Coordinating Committee (2013-19), and the North Allen Street Condominium Association board of directors (2004-18).