Co-founder and CEO | Forsight Digital
Zigmund (Zig) Rubel, FAIA, is the Co-founder and CEO of Forsight Digital, a PropTech company specializing in data-driven processes to plan complex buildings. Their software, FastPlan, is a SaaS-based offering for healthcare planners to determine requirements for their projects. Zig is a recovering healthcare architect, with over 30 years of experience, having worked on over 20 million SF of healthcare facilities throughout the world. He holds five US patents for building products and software. Zig is a founding Board Member and Treasurer for the Center of Innovation in the Design and Construction Industry.
Acts of Creation: Balancing Total Cost of Ownership with Joy
What happens in planning and design impacts what happens in the facility life cycle and vice versa. Unfortunately, project life cycle factors are overlooked when the project team has a myopic attitude to capital planning only putting first cost front and center. Brushing TCO aside during planning and design leads to costly waste and unintended consequences. Responsible Owners envisage the long-term impact of ROI on their bottom line and strive to minimize TCO within their business model. Accountable Architects strive to meet the Owner’s project requirements by providing solutions with considerations to "cradle to grave” and TCO assessments. The TCO is a crucial factor in calculating the ROI, for efficiency and for value creation. A TCO strategy is an approach to delivering a sustainable project.
Course expires 01/17/2026