Designing for Accessibility & Beauty
Included in subscription
Course expires on: 06/01/2025
Accessibility, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, often appears to be an unsightly afterthought to fulfill the letter of the law. However, when access is intentionally built in the plans, the design can be functional, accessible, and beautiful! Through this presentation, attendees will learn how the principles of accessible design can be attractive and at the same time beneficial in all design contexts. Creating beautiful design that everyone can enjoy changes lives, as it opens vast opportunities that were once closed to many.
Course expires 6/1/2025
Learning Objectives
Identify specific architectural features, both interior and exterior, that represent logical targets for creating optimum access based on user needs and technical and financial feasibility.
Create a strategy for adopting in-house design standards based on the architectural features ideally suited for optimum accessibility.
Apply the information given to protect yourself from access-related litigation.
Choose the most effective building materials for accessibility.